Apple Store Vienna -

AusztriaApple Store Vienna



🕗 Nyitva tartás

11, Kärntner Straße, 1010, Wien, AT Austria
érintkezés telefon: +43 800 909103
nagyobb térkép és irányok
Latitude: 48.2070084, Longitude: 16.3717961

hozzászólások 5

  • T. Ziko

    T. Ziko


    Finally a business in Austria that understands customer service, on top of that it’s a very diverse work place, again the only diverse place in Austria. That’s one thing that separates American business model from European ones. Maybe Austria should hands the government over to Apple to learn how to serve and how to accept that white-blond people are not the only ones walking the earth. Patrik was such a great help. Thank you

  • Keanu Hie

    Keanu Hie


    I don't like Apple as a company but I know many people who like this company. So I'm glad that Apple finally build a store in Vienna 🙂 Update: I finally was at the Apple store and I really liked it. I took my MacBook with me and coded something while sitting on a chair and it was a really nice feeling. Good job Apple 👍🏽

  • Onur Keskin

    Onur Keskin


    Do have an appointment if you want to speak to a Genius! Design: As an Apple Fan, I have to say that the Apple Store feels somehow too “unadorned”, empty and cold. The ginormous “Media Wall”, which is essentially millions of LEDs burning into your retina (pun: Retina display), absolutely doesn’t agree with the historic, soft and artistic fabric of Vienna. Apart from that, it’s nice to have an Apple Store in Vienna. See it yourself.

  • ioana gosman

    ioana gosman


    Just another Apple store. There are a lot of employees around so is a good place to go if you have questions about their products. They have a lot of toys but they are horrible expensive and only a few are worth it. But hey, they have toy cars with "emotive suspension". There are events in weekends, for kids and adults using their products. These are fun and free and the staff is really nice and helpful. Location is great (on the most commercial street in Vienna) and the view at their first floor worth a visit, even if you don't like Apple products.

  • en

    Joao Paulo Grassi


    Well, it's another apple store, so if you have been to another one, it's basically the same. Only one small thing though. The store just opened and maybe they want to sell like crazy.. but I would suggest to leave the customers look freely at stuff. Don't try to "help" all the time. If we need help, we'll ask for it. :)

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