Cafe Rathaus i Wien

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ØstrigCafe Rathaus



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5, Landesgerichtsstraße, 1080, Wien, AT Austria
kontakter telefon: +43 1 4061282
internet side:
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Latitude: 48.209777, Longitude: 16.355031

kommentar 5

  • en

    Richard Cottonfield


    Authentic Viennese café with a vintage atmosphere, food is good and comes in big portions. Staff is nice and the prices are reasonable - but: the German menu has more dishes and is a bit cheaper (about 1 €), e.g. the English menu has only 2 of the 5 vegetarian dishes.

  • dem Vergangenen zu

    dem Vergangenen zu


    Authentic viennese coffee house - the food is excellent for the price (I ate the Tafelspitz). Yes, it's grimy on the edges, and the staff have a viennese attitude that one might easily interpret as rudeness, but if you're after a good deal and a real viennese experience this is it.

  • en

    Liron Glick


    We entered there Sunday afternoon, on the vitrine of cakes that is right in the entrance, were many used plates and mugs that someone probably cleared from the tables and just left them there. No one welcomed us, nor sitted us. We stood at the entrance for about 8 minutes, and all of the waitresses were inside the kitchen, no one outside to attend the guests that are sitted or wish to be sitted and order. After those 8 minutes we left.

  • Enrico Ferri Grazzi

    Enrico Ferri Grazzi


    A bloody disgrace. The waitress was unbelievably rude, she gave us the wrong menu with the wrong prices and we ended up paying double what we actually owed. And on top of that she gave us no change. When we asked abou the price discrepancies she told us to leave.

  • en

    Peter Sholl


    Great food and atmosphere. Good prices for authentic Viennese food.

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