Do&Co Hotel Vienna i Wien

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ØstrigDo&Co Hotel Vienna


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12, Stephansplatz, 1010, Wien, AT Austria
kontakter telefon: +43 1 24188
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Latitude: 48.2083047, Longitude: 16.3715266

kommentar 5

  • Kristen Jen Chow

    Kristen Jen Chow


    Perfection location, right across from St. Stephans cathedral in Stephansplatz. walking distance to everything!

  • en

    Andrea Jelinek


    Absolutely spectacular! We went for a cafe in their Oynx Bar and it was just a lovely experience. Looking out and seeing the Stephan's Cathedral and having a Viennese Einspänner made the day simply lovely. We also tried the strawberry cheesecake, and even though the items on the menu are pricey, the view makes up for it! P.s. you might have to wait for 15-30 minutes sometimes since it is always busy and people love spending time there! So make sure to always allocate more time for your venture!

  • Eugenio Filippi

    Eugenio Filippi


    Had great expectations, booked a table in December for a birthday dinner in March. The best thing about the evening was the service, the rest well, nothing amazing. The food was FINE, I had better meals, the wine was good but nothing amazing and the table, well we were stuck between a massive pillar and a window from which we had zero panorama view... the bille came to just above 250€, for this money I must say I have had much much better......

  • Benita Guzikaitė

    Benita Guzikaitė


    Amazing staff with amazing view and cocktails. I had the best time in Vienna here 👌🏻☺️

  • en

    Odessa Mori


    Great location, friendly staff, clean room And comfortable bed! This was a great choice of hotel for our first visit to Vienna. The little treats left by housekeeping every night was a bonus. Would definitely recommend.

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