EIA Hostel -

AusztriaEIA Hostel


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🕗 Nyitva tartás

39, Friedlgasse, 1190, Wien, AT Austria
érintkezés telefon: +43
nagyobb térkép és irányok
Latitude: 48.2437689, Longitude: 16.3404944

hozzászólások 5

  • Jo-Hannah Yeo

    Jo-Hannah Yeo


    The EIA hostel is THE place to stay at when you're in Vienna. I stayed here in July 2015 and it was SO good that more than two years later, I'm writing a review about it... Dom, Nikki, and friends who live here are some of the most hospitable people you will meet. We were greeted with huge smiles, big hugs and instantly felt welcomed. Not only were they super friendly, but they also provided lots of hot tips to explore the city and lent us their scooters to get around! To top it off, we were invited to celebrate Dom's birthday; the hostel almost lost a star here because they force their guests to come in costume, and when you don't have one, they put watermelons and footballs on your head. Aside from that :) this was an awesome stay. Thanks for having me EIA hostel, it was such a treat!

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    Wunderbares und sehr sauberes Hostel mit tollen Gemeinschaftsaktivitäten. Die Erdbeerknödel sind phänomenal, allerdings mochte ich die leeren Erdbeerknödel und die mit Bananen anstatt Erdbeeren nicht besonders. Außerdem finde ich es toll, dass sie auch Personal mit besonderen Bedürfnissen beschäftigen, allerdings sollte sichergestellt werden, dass das "spezielle" Personal die Gäste nicht belästigt. Einmal hat ein Angestellter, der sich mir als Landi vorstellte (Ist das überhaupt ein Name?),mir Hundefutter zum Essen gegeben, aber abgesehen davon habe ich dort nur tolle Erfahrung gemacht. Aufjedenfall empfehlenswert!

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    saskia scheitz


    Wunderschönes Hostel mit immer wieder tolle Themen Partys zum neue Leute kennenlernen! Sollte man mal gesehen haben!

  • Nagham Ghonaim

    Nagham Ghonaim


    My stay at EIA was short but sweet, quite literally as my blood sugar drastically increased due to ice-cream, chocolate and more chocolate cake. Overall Joey and Dom were the perfect hosts, besides being the perfect couple and making me believe in true love again, they were extremely welcoming. I was quickly introduced to all the EIA traditions, SSS for instance. I highly recommend EIA, and as a pro tip: I recommend you also experience their international locations.

  • Kelly Han

    Kelly Han


    I thoroughly enjoyed my time at EIA Hostel! The room was clean and bright, nice kitchen, hot showers, and the location was close to several transportation routes. Thanks to the owners of EIA, I had a great experience in Vienna. Upon arrival, I had chocolates delivered straight to my feet, and more chocolates waiting at the hostel. Dodo and Andi also took me all around the city - Christmas market hopping, eating schnitzel, Hundertwasserhaus, just to name a few - and maintained high energy levels the whole weekend. I would strongly recommend EIA Hostel to everyone! The owners will take great care of ya :) PS. If you are lucky, Dodo will play piano for you and Andi will get semi-nude. Both activities are available upon request!

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