Hotel Bristol, a Luxury Collection Hotel, Vienna i Wien

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ØstrigHotel Bristol, a Luxury Collection Hotel, Vienna


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1, Kärntner Ring, 1010, Wien, AT Austria
kontakter telefon: +43 1 515160
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Latitude: 48.2026179, Longitude: 16.3702543

kommentar 5

  • en

    Levon Alyanakian


    WOW! Where do I begin. Very friendly and trained staff. The hotel has a great lobby and decor which creates an amazing ambiance. Rooms are great, some with a great view of the main plaza and of the opera house. The hotel is located at the city-center which was also great. The presidential suite was great though, with it,s own mini rotunda and view of the opera house. GREAT HOTEL 10 STARS!!!

  • Parnian Jadidian

    Parnian Jadidian


    Awesome hotel. So classy and beautiful. Fantastic service. Very friendly and helpful staff at every level. We felt right at home and everything we asked for was given to us in no time. The lobby does smell a little like cigarette smoke but otherwise there is no smoking in the rooms and everything is as clean as could be. They leave you Mozart chocolates on the bed every day which is really cute. It is located in the best part of town. You couldn't ask for a more perfect spot. The hop on hop off is across the street, main tourist attractions are within 5 minutes walk. Area is very safe (or we felt very safe) and the streetcar and subway stations are just in front of the hotel.

  • es

    Marcelino Freixas


    La HISTORIA del ..... BRISTOL Hotel VIENNA , Austria . La AMISTAD y el buen SABOR es la ESENCIA del Placer y Fuente de los buenos MOMENTOS que siempre perdura en el TIEMPO Grácias marcel

  • gloria sepulveda

    gloria sepulveda


    Hotel muy centrico con habitaciones bonitas y muy limpias. Servicio muy amables.

  • Jose Lemus

    Jose Lemus


    Muy buen lugar. Esta cerca de todo y las habitaciones muy amplias y confortables.

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