Hotel Krug *** i Gumpoldskirchen

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ØstrigHotel Krug ***


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1, Schulgasse, 2352, Gumpoldskirchen, Mödling, AT Österreich
kontakter telefon: +43 2252 62247
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Latitude: 48.0436198, Longitude: 16.2780338

kommentar 5

  • de

    Nima Momeni


    Immer wieder gern. Das war einer der schönsten Zeiten, dass wir erlebt haben. Sehr nette Leute, tolles Frühstück. Nur wenn Österreich um die Jahreszeit etwas wärmer wäre.

  • en

    Ernesto Meng


    Hotel is not in the same place. Nobody show you the Hotel. Small room.To sit on the WC is dificult.Very small Bath.In.the morning was a Dog near the Restaurant and she was not fryendly. Ms Krug was in the small breakfest room.Very cool and aggressiv. The dog,s place ia 1Meter near Breakfest bar. Ms.Krug asked me about payment. I explane hear that i payed in advance. She couldnt see and find in the PC. She called the Police. I declared that i payed in advance. Finally found Ms.nervous Krug the payment. Shame on you Ms.Krug. Aggressiv lady. Never will i sleep in the Hotel in the past was it a Horse Cabine. Restaurant Krug also is nothing.

  • Thomas G.

    Thomas G.


    Super Buffet, danke Martina

  • de

    Friedbert Sitter


    Gemütliches Hotel mit schönem Innenhof mit herrlichem Weinangebot, richtig gemütlich zu genießen. Zimmer sehr gut eingerichtet

  • de

    Robert WILHELM


    Zum Wohlfühlen mitten in Gumpo

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