Hotel Novotel Wien City i Wien

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ØstrigHotel Novotel Wien City



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1, Aspernbrückengasse, 1020, Wien, AT Austria
kontakter telefon: +43 1 903030
internet side:
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Latitude: 48.2132693, Longitude: 16.383102

kommentar 5

  • en

    Argiris Roussos


    Spacious rooms and very friendly staff. Hotel is ideally located near a metro station and the whole neighborhood was very quiet. Breakfast was very well equipped and had almost everything you could ask.

  • en

    Marko Coha


    Friendly staff. Rooms can be better arranged. Mini bar had no power so everything was warm.

  • Tengo Gogotishvili

    Tengo Gogotishvili


    Located in the heart of Vienna within walking distance from most of the city has to offer. Close to the hotel the river and parks with walking trails is fantastic. The hotels are comfy and well designed. The breakfast is rich with options. Staff is friendly as well. All in all - great venue and great place. Highly reccomended.

  • Dr. Sakher AlKhaderi

    Dr. Sakher AlKhaderi


    Very good hotel with pleasant staff . Distinguished hosting and comfortable rooms Multiple nearby good restaurant with short walking distance . Its located Near the metro station and bus stops. The employee were so kind . One of the staff named Majeda is an Egyptian employee and was very kind and helps the Arab guests .

  • en

    Luidge Defont


    The two girls at the reception are lovely, pleasant and helpful. We requested a late check out and was granted a 2 pm check out. We got back at the hotel at 1:45 pm. The room key didn't work. We went to the reception, the man name "Kevin E" was extremely unpleasant and told us that the latest check out was 1 pm and we needed to pay 29 euros for it. When I explained, he claimed that it Was a misunderstanding with the hint that we didn't understand the situation. When we picked up the luggage, checked out and paid, he didn't say one single thank you or so ever. This is the most unfriendly hotel we ever encountered in Europe and we will not stay at Novotel again.

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