Itzlinger Hof -

AusztriaItzlinger Hof


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11, Itzlinger Hauptstraße, 5020, Salzburg, Salzburg, AT Austria
érintkezés telefon: +43 662 451210
nagyobb térkép és irányok
Latitude: 47.8199096, Longitude: 13.044104

hozzászólások 5

  • en

    Jan Trancky


    This was one of the worst places I have stayed in in Austria. I travel a lot, but you are accustomed to see the kind of behaviour in Eastern Europe, but not in Austria. What happened? Basically this is a family run business and they should care about their clients. When I got into the reception area the father of the house noticed me, but instead of greeting me, he started a conversation with someone on the phone. As I speak German I could understand it was some family stuff and thought he would do the necessary and then hang up - WRONG. He had a 10 minute conversation full of laughs and just kept ignoring me. Then I got to the check-in procedure. As I was expecting the company credit card to arrive later that evening with my colleaue I told them that I would prefer to pay in the morning (I had it booked for two nights) - they completely disliked the idea and told me that I had to pay then and there. (And looked at me as if I was a thief). After a longer persuasion I was able to get a deal - I would have to pay later uff evening. Ufff Is this nightmare over? NO! Then I got into my room. I could not miss the dirty carpet on the way, but I thought that they might have just missed a spot. WRONG again. The room was cleaned up only formally and I think that my 6 year old cousin would be able to make a better job. Also my bed was broken and made very loud noises when I was turning around. That being sad - the youngsters of the family drive around in brand new BMWs.... I guess that that is where all the money that should be spent on maintenance goes. This was a very disappointing experience. They need to get their act together.

  • de

    Claudia Fick


    Finger weg!!! Wir hatten zwei Zimmer gebucht. Vormittags konnten wir nach längerer Suche nach einem Mitarbeiter nur für eines einchecken. Das zweite sei noch belegt. Unser Gepäck konnten wir schon in einem Zimmer lassen. Der Schlüssel für das zweite Zimmer sollte abends dann im ersten Zimmer liegen. Hierfür hatten wir ja bereits den Schlüssel. Um 20 Uhr erfolglos telefonisch versucht die Rezeption zu erreichen, ob alles geklappt hat. 21 Uhr dann im Hotel angekommen. Rezeption immer noch nicht besetzt. Auf dem Weg in das Zimmer finden wir unser Gepäck unbewacht mitten im Flur. Im Zimmer wo unser Gepäck ursprünglich platziert war hatte inzwischen eine Familie eingecheckt...

  • Christian Vestergaard Pedersen

    Christian Vestergaard Pedersen


    Der var et middelmådigt hotel. Selve rummet og facilitetererne var gode nok, men det samlede indtryk bliver betydeligt forringet på grund af flere forhold: manglende rengøring under senge, stikkontakter som oplagt kunne være brugt til mobilopladning virkede ikke, der manglede shampoo i dispenser i badet den ene dag og sæbe ved håndvask var helt fjernet den anden.

  • Daniel Quirino de Oliveira

    Daniel Quirino de Oliveira


    A lâmpada do quarto estava queimada. 2 tomadas não funcionavam. o estacionamento estava cheio. o café da manhã é ruim. Não informam na reserva mas me cobraram no check in taxa de 10 euros por duas pessoas. No checkout, apesar de eu já te feito o pagamento pelo site no ato da reserva, exigiram o pagamento novamente. Paguei duplicado para evitar problemas e não ficar perdendo tempo com discussão e agora vou ter que ver como resolver. A região não é das mais aconchegantes. Cheguei cansado e saí a pé para comer. Não tinha muita opção. Perto tem uma lanchonete. Ao entrar, um homem assistia pornografia no celular. Ele saiu e fumou uma maconha. Pedi uma lasanha e uma pizza. A lasanha era congelada. Só fiquei uma noite. Se fossem mais dias, procuraria outro hotel.

  • it

    Amedeo Savoldi


    Purtroppo è stata una brutta esperienza. Accoglienza pessima o meglio disastrosa, credo dal figlio del proprietario. Camera bruttissima con capelli sul copri materasso, e sporco ovunque. Abbiamo saldato il conto prima di accomodarci nelle stanze, visto che eravamo in dieci persone. Nostra figlia di sedici mesi ha dormito in una topaia per una notte. Credo che il nome dell'albergo sia stato rovinato dalla nuova proprietà. Prima era più che buono. Dovrei fare un elenco infinito di quello che non andava bene. Uniche note positive sono: la vicinanza al centro compresa la fermata dell’autobus affianco, e la ragazza che riceve alla reception il mattino. È la prima volta che scrivo una recensione, ma sono in dovere di farlo.

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