Jamie Oliver i Wien

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ØstrigJamie Oliver



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5, Doktor-Karl-Lueger-Platz, 1010, Wien, AT Østrig
kontakter telefon: +43 1 5121645
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Latitude: 48.2078604, Longitude: 16.379773

kommentar 5

  • ioana gosman

    ioana gosman


    The food is normal and in no way special. Service is good and quick and the location is nice. You will not find any special food, just normal pasta, burgers an pizza. No imagination, nothing special as you would be inclined to expect from a Jamie Oliver restaurant. Sweets are not so good, in my opinion. There is a kids menu and they give the kids some toy where they can see pictures of the different meals in the kids menu. Kids said it was totally boring and not interesting. They already knew how pasta and burgers look like.

  • George Nimeh

    George Nimeh


    Very good service. Excellent service from the bar. The food was much better than I expected. Kids meals are excellent. But for Vienna, it is incredibly overpriced. This ain't London, Jamie.

  • Mehmet Yücel

    Mehmet Yücel


    I was there with my girlfriend 1 week after its opening. Maybe it was because of the opening. But our experience was not special. It is an overpriced average restaurant. Starter was not special. Pizza was dry and cold. It was definitely not well prepared. They did not have burgers also some other items on the menu were not available. But I enjoyed their chocolate souffle. Maybe they got better now. But our experience worth 2 stars.

  • Sylvia Croy

    Sylvia Croy


    My visit was absolutely phenomenal. It is a little pricey though. On my last visit with two other people I paid 100€ but it was so worth it. Jamie Oliver is a master chef in England and all around the world. Now that he's in Austria, we also get to see why he's so talented. Definitely my favourite restaurant yet.

  • Tina Vor

    Tina Vor


    Einfach nurTOP!!!! Sehr herzlicher Empfang. Kellner sehr freundlich,höflich und flink. Essen "ein Traum " Rundum ein tolles Lokal. Hier etwas zu meckern zu finden, ist jammern auf allerhöchsten Niveau . Manche Rezensionen hier sind mir ein Rätsel.

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