Naturhistorisk Museum Wien -

AusztriaNaturhistorisk Museum Wien



🕗 Nyitva tartás

7, Burgring, 1010, Wien, AT Østrig
érintkezés telefon: +43 1 521770
nagyobb térkép és irányok
Latitude: 48.205212, Longitude: 16.3598451

hozzászólások 5

  • Christian Zammit

    Christian Zammit


    A very nice and big museum which is found in the heart of Vienna, very near other attractions. It is opposite another building which is identical to it from the outside. Once inside the building there are alot to see, a big number of rooms having different items, from minerals like gold to replica of animals like moving dinosaurs. The place is well kept and you need some two hours to visit the whole place. It is ideal for both adults and kids. Worth a visit.

  • Dulcianu Dragos

    Dulcianu Dragos


    You MUST see this museum if you go to Vienna. Be ready to spend a good number of hours there (5+) as every single room of it is incredibly designed. And as others said, although the rocks rooms are incredible, try not to check every rock or you will find yourself spending 1 hour in the first of the total 40 rooms of the museum 😁😁

  • Werawan Chattrastrai

    Werawan Chattrastrai


    This is a very amazing museum. Best museum i ever visit. I would recommend everyone to come to this place. It is worth every minute. Do not spend much time at the rock section because there are so many interested sections that you also should join. Bring your children to spend a quality time on holiday together!!!

  • nicholas focarini

    nicholas focarini


    Un museo che è una vera e propria esperienza. La collezione va oltre i semplici animali, fossili di varie epoche, dai mammut ai dinosauri, la più grande collezione di meteoriti al mondo, una raccolta di strumenti e indumenti degli ominidi, scheletri enormi, ogni genere di specie animale, un planetario e tanto ancora. Caratteristica la ricostruzione di l'allosaurus in movimento e con suoni che rimane molto affascinante. Unica pecca del museo è che, nonostante gli ambienti siano barocchi e bellissimi come si vede in foto sono, la struttura è un po' vecchia e dovrebbe aggiornarsi e modernizzarsi un po'. Comunque gli sforzi per modernizzarsi sono evidenti e in continuo aumento. 5 stelle.

  • da

    Per Voss


    Flot gammel bygning, men udstillingen er noget gammeldags, men massevis af montre i mørkt træ

legközelebbi Múzeum

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