Pension Kärnten -

AusztriaPension Kärnten



🕗 Nyitva tartás

34, Treffling, 9871, Seeboden, Gemeinde Mallnitz, AT Österreich
érintkezés telefon: +43 664 3456175
nagyobb térkép és irányok
Latitude: 46.8386381, Longitude: 13.5244418

hozzászólások 5

  • ChrisixYT



    Ich liebe Kärnten

  • Amin Redjaian

    Amin Redjaian


    Waren beim Ritteressen in der Burg und haben deswegen hier zwei Nächte verbracht. Schone Zimmer, freundliches Personal, super Aussicht. Ein gelungener Aufenthalt! (Achtung: Hier ist keine Bankomat-/Kreditkartenzahlung möglich!)

  • Klaudia koman

    Klaudia koman



  • en

    R. Z.


    The penetrating smoke smell day and night is the killing factor for us (bar under hotel rooms), which was unfortunately only noticed shortly before the trip seeing other reviews. So avoid it by any means if you don't smoke. Otherwise it might be completely fine with you. The owners are Dutch, and guests look most from Netherland during our visit. The gentleman is friendly and helpful, the other lady and yet another elder lady by breakfasts are less so, they are polite but felt superficially friendly. The bathroom had shower bar missing and built-in soap (head/body) dispenser broken. The gentleman helped us with a liquid hand soap quickly, and we got shower gel day after in super market by ourselves. Otherwise the room is clean and warm. We probably expected too much from a 3-star hotel. On the first day we didn't know to take the serviette ourselves for breakfast, and had to take one from an empty neighbor table on emergency because of the tipped water on the cloth, but educated by the elder lady: "Do not touch that (serviette on the other table)!" We understood later she had prepared that table for the new hotel guests who would arrive that evening. So understandable, but not being approached in this blaming manner! The dinners included were quite good, the breakfasts ok. Only noticed later in the bill, in case the kids or you hadn't appetite during the breakfast and took a bread with you it could be billed extra. So the elder lady had an eagle eye on us. Again it seems we had expected too much again. The dinner beverage was billed extra, which however was not clarified up front (either necessity nor price) but not un-expected this time, and the price fair in the end. The afternoon tee/cake time is pretty ok too, which we only tried twice because of schedule and smoke. Wifi/WLAN works only well enough around bar, not in dinning room. No welcome drink given as booked, which is by itself not really a problem for us anyway, especially confronted by smokers around bar upon arriving, though all friendly but we just wanted to escape into our room (smell-wise only barely better unfortunately). We almost doubt if we had arrived in wrong place because the main entrance is the bar instead of reception. The other lady blamed us checking out at around 10:00 too late, and it should have been before 9:30. We had in booking document mentioned 10:00 in general, but we might as well really overlooked their special rule then. I rounded the end bill but the lady insisted to give back the change, at the time I didn't think too much about that but now look back, she probably hated us the guests.

  • de

    Maria W.


    Die Gastgeber sind sehr nett und bemüht. Nicht so toll war, dass in der Gaststube (Restaurant) geraucht wurde, trotz Anweisung in der hotelmappe, dass dies bitte zu unterlassen sei. Der Zigarettengeruch zog durch das ganze Haus. Für Nichtraucher sehr unangenehm. Das Zimmer war groß und für die Durchreise absolut ok.

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