SANTISSIMO - Ristorante - Bar - Italiano i Wien

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ØstrigSANTISSIMO - Ristorante - Bar - Italiano



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1, Riemergasse, 1010, Wien, AT Austria
kontakter telefon: +43 1 4792857
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Latitude: 48.207861, Longitude: 16.3775708

kommentar 5

  • en

    Henning Jørgensen


    Welling "Real wienerschnitzel" but it is fried and with frensh fries. Absolutely no real and not worth the money

  • en

    Alison Hitchen


    Light bite tuna salad. Lovely

  • en

    Anastassis Oikon


    The food was average but the service was close to terrible. The waiters could barely communicate in English (only spike German or Italian), and after a small incident that started after they charged as a bottled water for 5.20 when the bottle came to the table without a cap on (could easily be tap water and not mineral). The waitress came to the table and told us -in German- that nobody has ever complained about that. After trying to respond to that, she told us to speak only in German or Italian (and she told us in a pretty bad manner). Overall, I wouldn't revisit it and would look for other options instead.

  • Stefan Gerleman

    Stefan Gerleman


    Be aware...... Nice food but they trick you on the bill. Advertise outside about "Wiener schnitzel" for 9.90 Euro during lunch time but charge when you should pay - 15.90 Euro. Don't go here they will trick you...

  • Katharina Jung

    Katharina Jung


    I came here with some friends on a Thursday night, and the expereince started good, but turned bad quite fast. They have a service charge, which didn't bother us except for the fact that the service was horrible, which comes with a bruschetta. One of the servers took the plate out from under my friend while he was still eating. Food was good, which is the only redemable thing about this place, but for the serving size, expensive. When I requested to pay, the server threw the bill on the table from the bar (out table was right near there, but still), not even letting me specify if we wanted to pay seperately or together, and never stopped by to take our money. Eventually, we came up with exact change and just left. If I had wanted change or wanted to pay with card, I probably would have needed to request the server to come back again. Would not come back. Side Note: I am Austrian but was with friends who speak English (although we spoke to the staff in German) and this may have caused the unfriendliness, a level of which I have never experienced in Vienna.

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