Stadttempel i Wien

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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4, Seitenstettengasse, 1010, Wien, AT Austria
kontakter telefon: +43 1 53104
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Latitude: 48.2116232, Longitude: 16.3747956

kommentar 5

  • Mimi Sharon

    Mimi Sharon


    The Synagogue dates 1826 and is still standing on the same spot. You can see the inside only by taking a tour that takes place once a day during the weekdays.

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    Sasu Consulting


    One of the most beautiful synagogues on our lovely continent.

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    Der Vorleser


    Excellent Choir

  • Mark Maxwell

    Mark Maxwell


    Wonderful experience.

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    Karin S


    I contacted the Stadttempel as I was going to be traveling during Yom Kippur and wanted to still attend services during my travels. I contacted the Synagogue weeks before the High Holidays to ask if it's ok I attend Yom Kippur services. The kind lady emailed me back and said I may attend. She said to send copies of my passport and my mothers (as she was coming with me). I sent the copies and she kindly sent me tickets to Yom Kippur services. I arrived at the temple for services and the blonde haired security guy asked for our passports, asked what state we're from, and then said only community members can attend. I showed him the tickets, but he says he doesn't care. That the lady who sent me the tickets made a mistake and only community members can attend. I offered to show him the email communications, which also included someone else from the temple. Obviously multiple persons at the temple had to have approved us to get tickets. He just coldly kept repeating himself that he doesn't care what I show him or who I've spoken with and I can not attend. My stomach was upside down as had I known ahead of time I would have inquired to another temple. But now it was too late to attend services elsewhere. Unreal for a securty guy [who is not Jewish] to deny a Jew to pray on the holiest day of the year, especially when I had prior approval. My heart is broken.

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