AIDA Prousek & Co. Chocolaterie & Grosskonditorei i Wien

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ØstrigAIDA Prousek & Co. Chocolaterie & Grosskonditorei



🕗 åbningstider

28, Wollzeile, 1010, Wien, AT Austria
kontakter telefon: +43 1 8908988205
internet side:
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Latitude: 48.2079401, Longitude: 16.3775206

kommentar 5

  • de

    Siegfried Schönerklee


    Guter Kaffee und gute Mehlspeisen. Freundliches Personal. Immer gut für eine kleine Pause.

  • Flávia Groba

    Flávia Groba


    The service and the sacher cake (very dry) wasn’t what I expected but the coffee was good.

  • Matthi As

    Matthi As


    Leider wurde ich an der Theke weder begrüßt, noch wahrgenommen, noch bedient obwohl Personal mehrmals zur Theke kam . Nach einigen Minuten Wartezeit um einen frischen Krapfen zu kaufen, habe ich das Geschäft wieder verlassen. Schade...

  • en

    Rachel Williams


    Waitress ignored us, barely paid attention when we ordered. We didn’t get cream with our cake even though everyone else who ordered did. She forgot our coffees and we waited over 15 minutes. When she did come back she acted like it was our fault. Finally got them and they were gross. Try somewhere else this place isn’t worth it

  • Alx Grt

    Alx Grt


    If you wonder how a Central Europe konditorei looked like back in the 1960s, Aida Wollzeile is the place to go. Perfectly suited for retro, vintage and Mitteleuropa lovers. Very good pastries. Aida’s illustrated menu explaining their different types of coffees is clever. Mozart Coffee recommended (espresso, hot chocolate, Mozart liqueur and whipped cream).

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