Autovermietung Europcar Österreich, Station Wien Innenstadt (ARAC GmbH) -

AusztriaAutovermietung Europcar Österreich, Station Wien Innenstadt (ARAC GmbH)



🕗 Nyitva tartás

9, Schubertring, 1010, Wien, AT Austria
érintkezés telefon: +43 1 8661611
nagyobb térkép és irányok
Latitude: 48.201992, Longitude: 16.3757189

hozzászólások 5

  • en

    Maurus de la Rosa


    Overall, I'm satisfied with Europcar and would give 5 stars due to that they have decent and fast system in particular if you are a member. However, I give 3 stars for some employees and their service in this particular branch: 1. Some staff (!) does not pick up the phone the last hour before they close. This is significant if you are late e.g. because your cab got stuck in a traffic jam and want to inform them that you arrive for pick up 5min before they close.. 2. If you there some employees ( not all!) role their eyes because you dare to come 5 min before they close. 3. The service center is closed, too. So in case that you have found additional damages on your rental car you have to thoroughly document them and hope they accept those findings. Thank God that the German call center jumps in here...they are open till 10 PM and very helpful.

  • en

    Jineet H.


    I visited this store during my trip to Vienna. The staff is friendly and helpful. They speak good English (if you count that too)

  • en

    Thomas Kusch


    My online reservation with an earlier pickup date was processed properly, which was good. When picking up the car, the associate sort of bad mouthed the car for Autobahn use without offering specifics or upgrades. I frequently got nice free upgrades at other branches without getting to hear that my choice was poor. But Europcar never disappointed me otherwise, so this would be more like 4.5 stars...

  • en

    Kent Scribner


    I rented a van at this location. The van had multiple damage on all sides. It was documented by lots of photos I took. The lot agent showed me some codes on the rental agreement saying that documented the damage. When I turned it in the agent in Munich said it was new damage. I showed her all the photos. She did not care. Later I got a bill for thousands of euros. They are not to be trusted.

  • en

    okba abas


    I do NOT recommend europcar to anyone. It is a big SCAM. I rented a car and gave it back with no damages as shown in the picture. They charged me with over 660 euros for "unseen tiny scratches" which they have said they will write as existing damages therefore wont even be repairing them!!!!! No matter how many emails i send with evidence, they are not interested in listening..!!!! our later reply was "Due that our point of view did not change there will be no further action from our side"....

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