Bärenwirt -




🕗 Nyitva tartás

8, Müllner Hauptstraße, 5020, Salzburg, Salzburg, AT Austria
érintkezés telefon: +43 662 422404
weboldal: www.baerenwirt-salzburg.at
nagyobb térkép és irányok
Latitude: 47.805949, Longitude: 13.035837

hozzászólások 5

  • Ljohn



    Best fried chicken 🍗 ever! We love their juicy breaded chicken, and ofcourse the local schnitzel! The breading tastes so good! We suggests to make reservations, because the tables inside are mostly booked before dinner. There’s an Old vibe feel of the place, and great service. I also liked the augustinian wheat 🍺.

  • Chris Fodor

    Chris Fodor


    Great traditional restaurant around the corner from our home. Big portions. Delicious tap beer from the Augustiner brewery next door. Friendly service. Reasonably priced. Definitely recommend.

  • en

    Kenneth Chua


    Had a horrible experience at this restaurant. Everything went wrong right from the start. My friends and I ordered 3 Gulasch and 2 came within a reasonable amount of time. However, the last one came after an hour's time because the waiter forgot the order and we had to remind him. To make things worse, it was stated in the menu that the Gulasch would be served with "roll" but yet what was only served to us was only the former. We asked the waiter multiple times but our simple requests was turned down by the waiter repeatedly replying " Give me a moment pls". Just when we thought things could not get any worse, we decided to ask the manager and to our utter dismay, he did not respond to our request and seemingly turned a deaf ear to it. When the waiter finally responded and understood our pleas, what we were served was a loaf of cold hard bread that would certainly pose a digestion problem to the elderly. To add the icing on the cake, they couldn't even get the bill right, which is something worth being ridiculed about given that this restaurant is rated >4 stars. This would be my last visit to this restaurant.

  • Warissara Chongaphiromsakul

    Warissara Chongaphiromsakul


    Ordered "goulash with roll" but the roll never came. We waited for over 40mins and asked the waiter for the roll several times and his response was always "coming in a minute". Well, the roll never came so we decided to ask the manager. His response was also "coming in a minute". The roll finally came after an hour and it's just cold hard roll that tastes like an overnight one. Super disappointed. Also, we ordered 3 goulashes but only got 2. The last one finally came after an hour. We just don't know why this place got so much of good reviews. The service sucks and food isn't that nice.

  • Jesse Miller

    Jesse Miller


    Food was very good. Large portions. Staff was friendly. Looked like a good place for locals. Service was quick and prices reasonable. The Gummy Bears with the check were a nice touch.

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