Boutique Hotel Hauser i Wels

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ØstrigBoutique Hotel Hauser



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7, Bäckergasse, 4600, Wels, Wels, AT Austria
kontakter telefon: +43 7242 45409
internet side:
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Latitude: 48.159206, Longitude: 14.024474

kommentar 5

  • Roland Weiß

    Roland Weiß


    Gute Lage in der Fußgängerzone, schöne große Zimmer, sehr sauber, freundliche Bedienung auch noch nach Mitternacht, ein Frühstück das keine Wünsche offen lässt. Sehr zum Empfehlen!

  • Marcin



    Pokoje czyste. Łazienki ok. Jedzenie bardzo dobre.

  • en

    Arno Rosenberg


    Always a more than pleasant stay...A family owned 100 year enterprise in Wels Austria. From the front desk to guest services..100% spot on for meticulous attention to your enjoyment and satisfaction. Very clean, and right on the main pedestrian walkway makes truly everything within steps of the front door to a beautiful 15 minute walk in a radius that encompasses old world histories, buildings, Roman Artifacts and the Train River to more modern choices as you wish. There are more than several hotel choices in the vicinity yet I am drawn back to the Botique Hauser Hotel each stay in Wels. Opt for the on site parking as I have each time, otherwise there is ample on street parking or the spacious underground parking not but minute walk from either entrance.

  • Christian Steinbrecher

    Christian Steinbrecher


    Immer wieder gerne!

  • de

    Dietmar Hangler


    Tolles Hotel mit sehr netten Mitarbeitern.Bei diesem Hotel unbedingt langfristig vorher buchen. Das beste Hotel in Wels. Dietmar Hangler World wide mounting Our life is rotary kiln

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