Campingplatz & Herberge Grein -

AusztriaCampingplatz & Herberge Grein



🕗 Nyitva tartás

1, Campingplatz, 4360, Grein, Perg, AT Austria
érintkezés telefon: +43 7268 21230
nagyobb térkép és irányok
Latitude: 48.224937, Longitude: 14.853195

hozzászólások 5

  • Manfred Hohl

    Manfred Hohl


    PROS: quite shady, a view of the river (if you are lucky), within walking distance from the town center and nice restaurants, you can camp wherever you want to, no official plaque, no checks by the manager... CONS: manager (not Austrian !!!) doesn't care much about the condition of the campground and the washrooms, a bit disorganized (seems more interested in dealing with cars and offering taxi rides to events in the area), campground rather expensive and dark at night, close to main road, drainage after rain almost nonexistent...

  • Anthony Constable

    Anthony Constable


    Toilets and showers were good. Otherwise a standard campsite.

  • en

    Rok Absec


    Wery dirty, cleaning toilets only once in a day, no control, what is happening in camp, a family washed (bath) their kids in dishwasher sink, nobody didn t reacted. Too high price for service. Eitherway, place is nice, nice grass and shadow, but... guest are, obviosly what this camp deserves. Dirty and rude

  • Katrine Lind

    Katrine Lind


    Very expensive (€ 26 for tent, two adults, one child) and very noisy from heavy traffic. Sanitary building was dirty. The restaurant looked like a western saloon, and the owner was tired of his job. All in all - don't go there if you can avoid it. Positive things: Shade from trees, and a lot of space to pitch tent.

  • Bela Szabo

    Bela Szabo


    Stunning location. Really. We took the cute mobile house which was really comfy. In the campaign there is pretty good restaurant which is rare. The small town is pretty, worth a visit.

legközelebbi Táborhely

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