College Garden Hotel i Bad Vöslau

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ØstrigCollege Garden Hotel



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2, Johann Strauß-Straße, 2540, Bad Vöslau, Baden, AT Austria
kontakter telefon: +43 2252 790250
internet side:
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Latitude: 47.9657327, Longitude: 16.2089912

kommentar 5

  • Alexander Macho

    Alexander Macho


    Interesting / retro architecture, we had a nice extended breakfast there.

  • en

    Jens Küstner


    I used to stay in the hotel for 6 months. From the first day on I had a very warm welcome from the managing director himself who showed me my room in the top floor. The room was equipped with an AC, a comfortable bed, good TV, a great bolcony and a great bathroom. For my question if I could have a small fridge in the room due to my long stay, there was a brand new fridge standing in my room the next day. The staff is very very friendly and helpful. The hotel rents bikes which are in a very good condition. Every weekend I enjoyed the delicious continental breakfast with a big selection of all kinds of stuff. All in all I really enjoyed my 6 months stay and totally recommend the hotel to everyone. 5 out of 5!!

  • Ciurdas Cristina

    Ciurdas Cristina


    Preaty good 😊

  • rishabh daad

    rishabh daad


    A beautiful hotel to stay....friendly staff and the garden restaurant inside is very beautiful way to start your day

  • Luis Dias

    Luis Dias


    Very nice hotel for the price. Friendly stuff. Excellent breakfast. The rooms are very clean and comfortable

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