Crowne Plaza Salzburg - The Pitter -

AusztriaCrowne Plaza Salzburg - The Pitter


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6-8, Rainerstraße, 5020, Salzburg, Salzburg, AT Ausztria
érintkezés telefon: +43 662 889780
nagyobb térkép és irányok
Latitude: 47.807963, Longitude: 13.041784

hozzászólások 5

  • Gabor Laszlo Hajba

    Gabor Laszlo Hajba


    Remek ellátás, barátságos személyzet. A reggeli és a kilátás a sky bar-ból pedig fenomenális. Megéri az árát.

  • en

    Charlotte Dodden


    We were a party of four friends staying 26-29 January. The room was really comfortable and very clean. All of the staff in the hotel were lovely. The reception staff spoke excellent English and were really helpful. The breakfast was very good with a wide selection of food beautifully presented. The food and hospitality in the beer keller were very much enjoyed by us all. The only very minor fault was the shower which had very little pressure. Otherwise very happy to recommend and return. A great central location for a break in a very beautiful city.

  • en

    Rick Forsgren


    While there is some old school charm here, this location is lacking many of the amenities Americans are typically used to in rooms. Accommodations are small. Bathrooms are small. The dining room and breakfast area on the upper level are beautiful. Love those European breakfasts!

  • Tupac Bastidas

    Tupac Bastidas


    Great hotel located in the historical center and very close to the train station. 24h reception. The staff is very attentive and speak many languages. The renovated rooms are spectacular: big, comfortable, quiet and always clean. There are 3 different restaurants inside the building, the one on the top floor has a great view and serve very tasty desserts.

  • Massimo Spada

    Massimo Spada


    I stayed here because my flight got cancelled. The hotel is really nice and luxurious, and there's a nice roof top cocktail bar and restaurant that gives you a good view of the city. The basic rooms are nice and spacious, the bathroom is large and very well refined. They provide all the necessary toiletries. Complimentary tea and coffee facilities. The restaurant on the ground floor looks really nice, even though the buffet dinner we have been given lacked in selection and wasn't particularly tasty. Breakfast buffet, instead, was absolutely superb, with many options and all of great quality. Overall, a really nice stay and I would recommend it.

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