DayLounge Bar Coffee i Wien

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ØstrigDayLounge Bar Coffee



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42-48, Mariahilfer Straße, 1070, Wien, AT Ausztria
kontakter telefon: +43 1 5227744
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Latitude: 48.1998801, Longitude: 16.3533932

kommentar 4

  • en

    nejc ravnjak


    One of the worst experiences in my life about coffee. I order coffee with glas of water. (Coffee costs 4.20 glas of water is in all other known restaurants free) the water came to me and said i own 14.40 (yes i had to pay water 3€) And coffee is also not so good. It is not the worst but surely not one of better.

  • de

    Reinhard Siebert


    Zwei Spritz bestellt und gleich bezahlt 6,40€ sagt der Kellner ich hab ihm 20€ gegeben und 7 gesagt. Er gab mir ganz schnell 3 € zurück und verschwand. Ich war so perplex und konnte es natürlich nicht beweißen weill er so schnell weg war. 10,60€ Trinkgeld hab mich voll geärgert aber werde in Zukunft besser aufpassen. Als bitte aufpassen beim bezahlen.

  • en

    Hosein Amini


    I have ordered two Juices from the menu with the price of around 4.2 euro but waitar who was always laughing with his colleague claim us for 6.5 euro for each and has answerd to my question regarding this matter that there is difference in menu and bill that the juice were 500 ml but i have not ordered that.... And they cheaped me, not good place

  • Filippo D.

    Filippo D.


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