Doll's Blumen -

AusztriaDoll's Blumen



🕗 Nyitva tartás

62, Lange Gasse, 1080, Wien, AT Austria
érintkezés telefon: +43 1 4059531
nagyobb térkép és irányok
Latitude: 48.212731, Longitude: 16.351356

hozzászólások 5

  • en

    Ilona Kolotiy


    I have just had the worst flower delivery in my life. My boyfriend wanted to surprise me on the International Women's Day and ordered flowers to my office. The lady couldn't find my address, so she called me and yelled me down. She was arguing that the address is wrong and that my address doesn't make sense and that she's been running around for 10 minutes and couldn't find it. The address was correct by the way. I was trying to explain her how to find the entrance without having a clue what's going on and who she is. And she kept arguing that the address doesn't make sense. A have passed the phone to my colleague hoping that she can explain better (as she is native in German) and my colleague was extremely surprised with the lady's tone. Then she finaly came up and started to complain when i opened the door - "why woouldn't you write the address differently?!!!". On my "do you understand, that i did not order the flowers and this is meant to be a nice surprize for me?! How is it my problem and why are you being so rude?" she just asked for my signature and left. UPDATE: I have to update my review, as the company made all the effort to apologize for the service provided by the 3rd party company. Flowers are really beautiful here and i believe that the delivery issue was an unfortunate mistake and everything is sorted now. Thank you for the beautiful flowers, Emil!

  • de

    daisy duck


    Super freundlich geschickte blumenkünstler Ich finde immer etwas Was ich noch nicht kenne Sehr edel

  • en



    Some of the most beautiful flowers! Not only the selection always amazes me but also the quality and freshness of the flowers. The service is quite hood, the florists know how to provide professional advice. However, the quality and competency comes with a price tag, but its worth the money. Would definitely recommend it!

  • Anna Daragan

    Anna Daragan


    I'm very happy with the excellent service of this shop! Moreover, unlike usual online delivery companies, they did arrange a bouquet very close, may be even better, than was on the picture. Highly recommend it!

  • Leonie Kühne

    Leonie Kühne


    What an amazing, gorgeous flower shop!!! A huge variety of flowers, a unique range of vases and a lot of cool stuff for home!! Doll's Blumen has Love for detail all around the shop!! The service is always friendly, attentive and helpful!! Lovely team!! I love to go shopping there, cause it's always a new experience and it's suprises me every time again.

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