Embassy of India i Wien

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ØstrigEmbassy of India



🕗 åbningstider

2, Kärntner Ring, 1010, Wien, AT Austria
kontakter telefon: +43 1 5058666
internet side: www.indianembassy.at
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 48.2019433, Longitude: 16.3698786

kommentar 5

  • Rahul Nyamangoudar

    Rahul Nyamangoudar


    Very nice staff... Have seen people bursting at them for no reasons... But still they were supportive to them... Better check their website for holidays and procedures...

  • TheHeroZocker



    Einfach nur furchtbar: der Online-"Service" ist einfach witzlos, stets mussten wir erneut einen Antrag anders ausfüllen, weil etwas nicht gepasst hat, nur um erneut dann wieder einen neuen Antrag auszufüllen usw. die Leute dort sind einfach, (Verzeihung für den Ausdruck) inkompetent. Meine erste Rezension, leider aus Wut

  • de

    juule k


    Sehr unfreundlich, unkompetent und es wird einem nicht einmal zugehört. Der Herr am Telefon hörte mir nicht einmal richtig zu, wurde immer unfreundlicher.

  • en

    liono lionel


    very unethical and unprofessional staff. Digital India is a just a joke here. 1) They do not have a xerox machine or a printer. So they will tell you to go out and print or copy the document yourself. 2) There is no queuing system, like it is there in most of the vienna govt office. People stand in the queue and some of them might just break in the queue. 3) Staff is very rude. Please teach them manners, specially a person named Sukhbir. On top of the window it is mentioned that "all the conversations are recorded for quality purpose". The quality is quite visible by the way the staff treats indians. 4) They do not have Bank-O-mat, which means you have to pay by cash. This is the first place where you will notice, that you need to have enough change to pay. (DIGITAL INDIA is a joke here) 5) Everybody has a different opinion of documents here. Every staff member will come up with a different set of documents. It is really a pain to get something done here. 6) In digital India, a receipt is handwritten, with a carbon paper in between. So again another joke on DIGITAL INDIA

  • Debabrata Sen

    Debabrata Sen


    Super friendly staff. They really go out of their way to help and guide you. Best Indian Embassy I have ever dealt with. Very professional indeed. (My experience was limited to the consular department.)

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