English Cinema Haydn i Wien

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ØstrigEnglish Cinema Haydn


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57, Mariahilfer Straße, 1060, Wien, AT Austria
kontakter telefon: +43 1 5872262
internet side: www.haydnkino.at
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Latitude: 48.1989986, Longitude: 16.3524698

kommentar 5

  • Judith Prenner

    Judith Prenner


    A good place to get to see movies in English in Vienna, there ais one bigger cinema and 2 smaller ones. Staff is very friendly and they take care if lost items. I once lost my handsome and got it easy back on the following day? If you want to buy some popcorn and drinks it might take a bit, but it was always possible to be in the cinema in time 😉

  • Theresa Ott

    Theresa Ott


    Nice little cinema. The audio and video quality was surprisingly good. The room we were in was pretty small and let's call it traditional. But everyone was really nice and it's a good atmosphere. I would recommend it. One advise, in my country sweet popcorn is the norm, here you have to apparently ask for it specifically otherwise it is salty.

  • Erik Lopez

    Erik Lopez


    De los mejores cines con películas en versión original

  • Iria Pérez

    Iria Pérez


    Perfect place to watch movies in version original. Perfecto cine para ver las películas en versión original

  • Paola Yee León

    Paola Yee León


    I won´t say any different from other. It´s a great option for non german speakers in the city. Lo recomiendo cada vez que puedo, porque es una de los pocos cines en ingles en la ciudad. =)

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