Freigut Thallern -

AusztriaFreigut Thallern



🕗 Nyitva tartás

1, Thallern, 2353, Gumpoldskirchen, Mödling, AT Austria
érintkezés telefon: +43 2236 53477
nagyobb térkép és irányok
Latitude: 48.0530646, Longitude: 16.2922767

hozzászólások 5

  • Mark Hommola

    Mark Hommola


    Ein Traumhaftes Anwesen mitten in den Weinbergen. Tolle Zimmer und eine gemütliche Atmosphäre! Eine besondere Erwähnung erfährt das Personal, die Gastfreundlichkeit und Hilfsbereitschaft ist ein absolut phänomenal.

  • Samer Sayegh

    Samer Sayegh


    I went there after a suggestion I got from a friend who lives there, and I was simply amazed. The scenery was just wow, that's the only way to explain it. I was surprised that they had an English menu since it is not visited by tourists very often. I was also surprised to find out that they have a small hotel there as well and I asked to see the rooms. The building was old and looked a bit like a chapel and it did indeed have one inside. But the most amazing this was how they mixed modern designs with the old basis of the architecture, next time I visit Austria I will definitely stay there. It is quite romantic as well. The food was great and so was the wine. Super traditional, and great value of food for the fair price.

  • Chiara Hildebrand

    Chiara Hildebrand


    This place is extremely authentic. I've been going there for around 5 years now. It has traditional Austrian food, but it is best known for its chicken, in German it's called backhändle. They also have their own selection of wines that is created in their wine cellar from the graphs that grow around the restaurant. You are able to do a wine tasting there as well. The wines vary from sweet to less sweet and of course there is a selection of both red and white wine. Apart from the outstanding food and wine, the staff is extremely friendly and their English is fair. And let's not forget the wonderful scenery in the small town outside Vienna, it is simply breath taking. I definitely suggest going to Thalern, it is roughly a 45 minute train ride from Vienna city center and it really shows the Viennese culture and it is no way a tourist trap, as not many tourists are aware of it.

  • cs

    Martin Machajdik


    Neochotna obsluha pri ochutnávce vín. 40 hostů si muselo samo rozlevat víno z lahve. Na každého jeden plátek housky k zakousnutí. Začínat ochutnávku vín červenými víny se v našich krajích také jen tak nevidí, (samozřejmě pokračují dále k bilim a stejné sklenice) nejsmeve Francii.. Schop mi pripadl jako vetešnictví, vše za každou cenu prodáme.... Nedoporučuji

  • Tired Bicyclist

    Tired Bicyclist


    We regular visit this place. Good local food and wine. Low profile on vegetarian food. Chicken food lovers can count on their service. Moderate price level. Friendly service. Recommended to visit

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