GAL Apartments Vienna - Your Home in the Heart of Vienna -

AusztriaGAL Apartments Vienna - Your Home in the Heart of Vienna



🕗 Nyitva tartás

29, Große Mohrengasse, 1020, Wien, AT Austria
érintkezés telefon: +43 650 5611942
nagyobb térkép és irányok
Latitude: 48.2172155, Longitude: 16.3829357

hozzászólások 5

  • lu su ching

    lu su ching


    The environment is very quiet, comfortable and clean.There is a supermarket in 2 minutes. Pleilowena is very nice. If there is a chance to go to Vienna, I will come again.

  • Czesław Bubała

    Czesław Bubała


    The apartment is located close to the center but in a very quiet area. The car can be left in the underground garage (at an additional cost). During our stay (first days of May) we did not meet any of the service staff, but the organization of key collection, parking location information, parking tickets, etc. was very good. On the other hand, all necessary informations about the apartment, public transport, shops open during the holidays, we received from the staff before arrival. Apartment well furnished, spacious. Kitchen equipped with necessary equipment for preparing meals. The apartment was an important part of our successful stay in Vienna.

  • Romulo Leonardo

    Romulo Leonardo


    Would like to thank. The dependencies of the property are excellent. Cleanliness and tranquility are synonymous with success. Loved the stay and the location. We will recommend to all our friends and family

  • en

    Cristiana Denepoux


    It was a really nice location with all we needed. Perfect for a family with kids. All comfort and coziness were fulfilled!

  • en

    Massimo Musenga


    Good location, not at the center of Wien but near the subway. Staff perfect,very kind. Superb confort and cleanliness.A little defect : only one wc in an apartment for 4-6 persons. I spent a wonderfull time in Gal apartements

legközelebbi Szomszédság

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