Gasthof Prankl - Altes Schiffmeisterhaus -

AusztriaGasthof Prankl - Altes Schiffmeisterhaus



🕗 Nyitva tartás

16, Hinterhaus, 3620, Spitz, Krems-Land, AT Austria
érintkezés telefon: +43 2713 2323
nagyobb térkép és irányok
Latitude: 48.358485, Longitude: 15.4093781

hozzászólások 5

  • Cori Coccoi

    Cori Coccoi


    Just not the quality for the price payed. A soup "Bärlauchcremesuppe" tasted like a green spinache consommé and you got a portion just enough for a child but not for a grown up. Although when I said my opinion about it I got a new soup but also this did not taste as delicious as expected. If you travel to see the countryside it's a nice place to go for a special expensive dinner but not when you went hiking around all day to see the countryside and then need a good and a lot of food. For this ists just too small portions and special. In my eyes tourists should be informed somehow that it is a high class restaurant where you don't get a lot for your money. Not even taste. My friend had ordered Ravioli and had hot 5 pieces on her plate with a salad too sour of vinegar which she could not eat, neither could I but I usually like it a bit more tasty the salad but even this was too much for my tongue. Basically nice but just too highly priced and only 1 star for the portion you get for the money. €5,50 for a bit of a soup?? It's ok to pay €5,50 but then I want to get a bowl of soup not empty!

  • en

    Oliver Weberberger


    Always great!

  • en

    Milos M


    Super Personal, perfect location, nice rooms. And dog friendly :-)

  • stuefi ber

    stuefi ber


    the schnitzel was one of the best I've ever had. and I'm austrian. excellent austrian cuisine at fair prices. friendly staff. always go there when I'm in the area. highly recommended. a reservation doesn't hurt especially to sit outside in the porch.

  • Georg Decker

    Georg Decker


    Very nice place to stay delicious food and friendly service

legközelebbi Kávézó

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