Hofburg Palace -

AusztriaHofburg Palace



🕗 Nyitva tartás

Michaelerkuppel, 1010 Wien, Austria
érintkezés telefon: +43 1 5337570
weboldal: www.hofburg-wien.at
nagyobb térkép és irányok
Latitude: 48.2076579, Longitude: 16.3660538

hozzászólások 5

  • Halida Budining

    Halida Budining


    The Royal family residence with very beautiful design. Join the tour so we can get the whole information and history about the family life. No camera are allowed inside the building. Buy the ticket online, so we don't need to line up.

  • Christian Zammit

    Christian Zammit


    Vienna is rich of nice historic buildings which are complimented by their architecture. One of these large buildings is the Hofburg Palace which is made up of different buildings and gardens. This Palace is very rich, and if you want to visit it all, I think that you need more than one day, One of its nicest parts, is the Sisi Palace. One can admire the nice rooms, the silverware and the cutlery sets that are available. Guides are also available. A must visit in the centre of Vienna.

  • Eelco Stuy

    Eelco Stuy


    Crazy beautiful and so much to do and see here.. If you love culture and architecture you can eat your heart out. So much history to learn and the Habsburg era will keep you interested for a few days for sure. Vienna at it's finest!

  • Marco Túlio Kehdi

    Marco Túlio Kehdi


    This is a must see in Vienna. It has a great collection of Itens and some diversified galleries that you can see. They have some unique items that can't be seem somewhere else. The collections are also about the furniture preserved and silverware used in the castle. It's amazing.

  • Shreya Hajela

    Shreya Hajela


    A treat for the eyes! Outstanding architecture in white and emerald. Takes you back to English novels that speak of beautiful walks and horse carriage rides. One can explore this place on foot or take a carriage ride, if in a romantic mood! The small cafeterias in the vicinity offer great savoury and sweet items :)

legközelebbi Premissza

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