Hotel Sans Souci Wien i Wien

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ØstrigHotel Sans Souci Wien



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2, Burggasse, 1070, Wien, AT Austria
kontakter telefon: +43 1 5222520
internet side:
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Latitude: 48.2047125, Longitude: 16.3565183

kommentar 5

  • Abdulhakim Malik

    Abdulhakim Malik


    I stayed in March 2018. Hotel generally 4/5. Staff 5/5. Location 4/5. Bathroom 3/5 (small and no space to keep items). Room 3.5/5 (little storage area). Breakfast 4.5/5.

  • en

    Julie Renshaw-Smith


    Please stay at the very comfortable Sans Souci Hotel if you are visiting Vienna, it will enhance your experience in a truly wonderful city. The Hotel staff are courteous and professional and delight in going the extra mile for your comfort and pleasure. The Hotel is situated for the convenience of the Museum Quarters, a really great location. Do not miss out on the breakfast at the Sans Souci, it is an absolute must to start the day properly. A gem of a find and the perfect place for a City break. A memorable experience which we certainly hope to repeat......

  • it

    Elisa Rossi


    Semplicemente DIVINO!!! Pulitissimo! Gentilissimi! Attenzione al cliente strepitosa! Bello! Camere belle, perfette, pulite! Il personale passa ogni pomeriggio per controllare se si ha bisogno di qualcosa e spesso fanno trovare una n camera degli assaggi... la struttura all’interno è moderna ed è molto curato, colazione molto buona in veranda molto raffinata e posizione strategica. Al momento è uno dei miei preferiti! Sicuramente posso dire che costa quanto vale! Purtroppo non sempre è così!!! In questo caso ad alta voce VALE!

  • en

    Marie-Lyne Menard


    Good service. The room is confortable and we Like the bar. The food at the restaurant here is not so great. Staff is helpful. The best highlight of this place is Julio at the bar. Amazing service. He made our stay very fun, pleasant and we will really miss him !

  • es

    Marcelino Freixas


    La HISTORIA del ..... SANS SOUCI WIEN Hotel . La AMISTAD y el buen SABOR siempre perdura en el TIEMPO gracias marcel

nærmeste Spa

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