Hotel Schloss Leopoldskron -

AusztriaHotel Schloss Leopoldskron



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Hétfőnyitott 24 óra
Keddnyitott 24 óra
Szerdanyitott 24 óra
Csütörtöknyitott 24 óra
Pénteknyitott 24 óra
Szombatnyitott 24 óra
Vasárnapnyitott 24 óra
56-58, Leopoldskronstraße, 5020, Salzburg, Salzburg, AT Austria
érintkezés telefon: +43 662 839830
nagyobb térkép és irányok
Latitude: 47.787979, Longitude: 13.039334

hozzászólások 5

  • en

    Al Pizzica


    Could not have been more pleased! Room in the side building for the four of us was very comfortable, big by American standards and clean&neat as a pin. Breakfast in the grand dining room was amazing in food quality and ambiance. Should have stayed two nights to explore more. Concierge restaurant reccomendation was outstanding. Front desk staff always happy and laughing. 6 stars. Worth every euro!

  • Fernando Lanfranco

    Fernando Lanfranco


    Buen ubicado, cochera y bien sino 9

  • Kevin Shiah

    Kevin Shiah


    Amazing stay. The architecture and the interior of the palace are no doubt the selling of this hotel. Breakfast served in the 18th century dinning hall was also an amazing experience. We stayed in a Schloss suite and it was just magnificent. Many of the old elements were nicely preserved and renovated while the bed and washroom are in modern design. This hotel is also managed by an amazing team. From reception to breakfast staff were all very friendly. We were taking engagement photo in the garden and the general manager even stopped by to congratulate us.

  • en

    Jennifer Emerson


    This was an awesome hotel! The staff went above and beyond to make our stay comfortable, and were especially accommodating with our two-year-old. Right after we checked out, my son fell in a puddle, when we went back inside and asked for towels, they let us use one of their vacant rooms, so that we could use a hair dryer and insisted that it was no trouble at all. Everything in the room was very clean and updated. We stayed in one of the actual updated rooms, but the next day when we went to dry my son off from his puddle incident, we used one of the rooms that was not updated, which, in my opinion was just as nice. This was an awesome experience. It was so cool that breakfast was served in the room that inspired the ballroom in The Sound of Music. I am a huge fan of the movie, and this hotel did not disappoint.

  • Luis Jaramillo

    Luis Jaramillo


    Lugar encantador, digno de ser visitado. Debería de tener mejor atención en las habitaciones y cuidar que el wifi llegue a todo el hotel, pero en si la experiencia merece la pena.

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