Hotel Weiß -

AusztriaHotel Weiß


nincs információ

🕗 Nyitva tartás

30, Hauptstraße, 5222, Munderfing, Braunau am Inn, AT Austria
érintkezés telefon: +43 7744 6251
nagyobb térkép és irányok
Latitude: 48.06554, Longitude: 13.185846

hozzászólások 5

  • Irina Gorodniakova

    Irina Gorodniakova


    Had bad experience for lunch take out. Called to Weiß to order lunch to take out. Soup, Käsespätzle with Blattsalat for 8,60 euro and tiramisu (for extra 1,50 euro) was in the menu. At first they said it's possible to take out only if I bring my own plastic boxes, but then they said it's no problem. The lady on the phone was friendly and asked if I would like to have salad instead of soup, for what I immediately agreed. We agreed for the pick-up time and then I was happily looking forward to my lunch... Once I got to the Weiß, I had to wait for around 15 minutes to get my lunch! I got a soup (!!) and very small portion of the salad to the Käsespätzle. On top of that I had to pay for their plastic boxes! Had no time to discuss and was afraid I would have to wait another 15 mins to get the normal portion of salad instead of soup. Soup was not tasty at all (had to throw it) and a salad is just a name (probably had max.15 leaves of salad inside), BUT Käsespätzle (portion is OK for women, but definitely too small for men) was good, made with not the standard for Käsespätzle cheese, but anyway tasty! That's why 3 stars. I have heard some good reviews about this place, unfortunately I got not lucky looks like. I won't come back again.

  • Oliver Fiegel

    Oliver Fiegel


    Clean and friendly. The wifi works well. The breakfast was very basic, and the interior somewhat outdated.

  • en

    Ian Harrison



  • Bill Kidd

    Bill Kidd


    Ambrose, the manager was welcoming and friendly. Though the kitchen was closed, he arranged a very lovely dinner for us complete with a bottle of local wine. The room was spacious and clean though simple. The seperate bathroom and toilet were perfectly fine. One small issue was the lack of air conditioning, which in June meant or room was warmer than ideal. Breakfast was standard European fare.

  • Josh Schaecher

    Josh Schaecher


    Very comfortable place to stay with what I believe to be the best food in the world!

legközelebbi Szállás

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