Hübler Kaffee - Konditorei i Wien

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ØstrigHübler Kaffee - Konditorei



🕗 åbningstider

19, Lorenz-Bayer-Platz, 1170, Wien, AT Austria
kontakter telefon: +43 1 4864640
internet side: www.huebler-wien.at
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 48.2153948, Longitude: 16.3263338

kommentar 5

  • rice withaspoon

    rice withaspoon


    4 euros for a take away double 'espresso' (meaning watercoffee out of NOT a real coffee-machine) .. is too much. handling fatty ham without gloves, and then not washing hands, handing me a napkin & a plastic-thingy to stir my coffee is also too much.....perplexing. i've know this cafe for like 20 years or so.../haven't been there forver/.. it was and will be a typical cafe for old people of the more 'prolo' (pleb) kind...[ this is not meant to be mean but factual.] ( for all those having intolerances or allergies... forget it)

  • en

    Pia P


    Godd coffee with chocolate and awesome fingerfood bred

  • Sabri Bektas

    Sabri Bektas



  • Christian Treitler

    Christian Treitler


    The vanilla, chocolate and bubble gum ice cream were so bad that my kids rejected them. I tasted them, too, and they were indeed the grossest ice-creams I had eaten in a long time. When I gave the bubble gum ice cream back to the unfriendly person behind the counter, he put it back into the ice cream container to scoop it out again for the next customer. Gross.

  • Max Andrews

    Max Andrews


    Nice place for breakfast and brunch. It is popular on weekends and holidays, so make a reservation.

nærmeste Cafe

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