Innsbruck Airport i Innsbruck

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ØstrigInnsbruck Airport


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180, Fürstenweg, 6020, Innsbruck, Innsbruck, AT Ausztria
kontakter telefon: +43 512 225250
internet side:
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Latitude: 47.2576489, Longitude: 11.3513075

kommentar 5

  • Juuso Ilmelä

    Juuso Ilmelä


    Small airport, might get a bit crowded if many flights taking off at same time. Do not leave your shopping here, tax free is limited. Not many restaurants and after security only a small bar / coffee place. Tyrol Lounge has some spectacular views and is really specious. Feels really comfortable and roomy.

  • Martijn Kersbergen

    Martijn Kersbergen


    Het is een zeer druk en klein vliegveld. Te klein voor de hoeveelheid passagiers die ze moeten afhandelen. Het is overal dringen en oppassen. Bij aankomst sta je zo weer buiten met je koffer. Dat is wel fijn!

  • Seabrandy



    Je staat snel bij de gate (is ook niet groot), de luchthaven is schoon en er is voldoende zitgelegenheid. Ook zijn er veel stopcontacten en zit je binnen notime op het gratis wifi. Qua winkels is het niet echt spannend,..dus lekker zitten en film kijken of mail doen.

  • en

    Olivia Quatela


    If zero stars was an option, I would put that. The airport is fine, but avoid the Austrian air desk here at all costs! The staff are unfriendly and the least bit helpful. I had two flight cancellations on the way in, therefore missing the bus I had booked out of Innsbruck twice. They had no other suggestions than to stay over in a hotel, which would have cost an additional 90 euros on top of the 180 euros I wasted on bus tickets because of this airline. I will be sure to file a complaint online. On the way home they weighed both of my carry on bags (only mine, no one else's), finding that one was 4 kg overweight. I understand the need to adhere to the airline's rules about carry on baggage, but if you subject me to these rules, then please do so to everyone else on the flight. I was singled out because they remembered me from my arrival when I asked for help with buses/reimbursement. By the way, this is the fourth time I have been here, my connections with United and Lufthansa have always been smooth until something happens with Austrian air, and they send you to Lufthansa who sends you back to Austrian air who then will tell you they can't help because the flights were booked through United/Lufthansa. Claim responsibility for your actions.

  • en

    patrick duckworth


    Beautiful views around the airport, very quick & efficient on baggage re-claim. Unfortunately not the same story of efficiency with departures - No queue system whatsoever for check-in so absolute chaos taking over an hour & a half; very slow security process involving staff riffling through hand luggage to get every metallic / electronic / liquid (including inhalers) item out for the scanners; can't comment much for facilities as check-in took so long but not many shops / places to eat. Not quite the stereotypical efficiency we were expecting!

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