INTERSPORT Kitzsport -

AusztriaINTERSPORT Kitzsport



🕗 Nyitva tartás

4, Klausen, 6365, Kirchberg in Tirol, Kitzbühel, AT Østrig
érintkezés telefon: +43 5356 6250430
nagyobb térkép és irányok
Latitude: 47.450692, Longitude: 12.3355175

hozzászólások 5

  • Gerhard Gutmann

    Gerhard Gutmann


    Schöne Angebote

  • de

    Sarah Hofmann


    Sehr freundlich! Ausleihen hat super funktioniert.

  • en

    Fraser Strafford


    A very difficult business to rate as I have had mixed experiences with different departments, staff and procedure. I will begin with the good: Generally, the staff are very helpful. My mother hired some skis however brought her own boots which she was having troubles getting on after chipping her ankle bone. The staff offered to keep the boots overnight, heat and manipulate them so they would fit more comfortably. This method worked and enabled her to ski, and was free of charge, so I was most impressed. The location is perfect for the lift in question. The shop is tidy and generally well run. The quality of the equipment is of an OK standard for hire stuff however we only went for economy range so perhaps the expert stuff is of better quality. Now for the bad bits: The prices are in my opinion through the roof. A family of six, all opting for economy gear and most with their own boots (so only requiring skis or board) were charged at 452 euros for 3 days. Having paid the 452 euros, the shop then informed us that if we would like to leave their own equipment with them overnight there is a charge of 4 euros per night. On the face of it this doesnt seem too bad however with 6 people for 3 nights this quickly transforms into 72 euros for them to store their own equipment... a strange policy we have never come across before. Having paid the 72 euros, we then learned that the 'locker' is in fact not a 'locker' but more of a communal storage room which was not secure enough to leave your own helmets / goggles in ect ect. For 72 euros one would expect a physical locker... surely! The nail in the coffin was when one of the staff aggressively asked my father to put his skis away correctly when we had only just walked in. This is not secondary school and the staff need to perhaps remember who is paying who.

  • de

    Gunther Eckschlager


    Sehr kompetente, fachliche und freundliche Mitarbeiter. Tolles Geschäft

  • Marko Kušar

    Marko Kušar


    Izbira ne naudušuje

legközelebbi Bolt

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