L. Heiner Wollzeile i Wien

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ØstrigL. Heiner Wollzeile



🕗 åbningstider

9, Wollzeile, 1010, Wien, AT Austria
kontakter telefon: +43 1 5122343
internet side: www.heiner.co.at
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 48.2089801, Longitude: 16.3749731

kommentar 5

  • Lei Zhang

    Lei Zhang


    I was served very friendly actually. Might because it was not at the peak hours. Cakes are amazing!

  • Jiří Brebera

    Jiří Brebera


    This place is amazing. Top service, great cakes, coffe

  • Saito Akira(SBTM)- Saito Akira -

    Saito Akira(SBTM)- Saito Akira -


    Service wasn’t exactly friendly as many people pointed out but the cakes we had were very nice. Maybe they have consistency issues on cake quality?

  • Adomas Mockus

    Adomas Mockus


    Simple cafe. Busy at times so have to be patient, feels like a tourist trap. Though we ordered cottage cheese strudel and it was amazing.

  • en

    Adrian Tudor


    Tourist trap is a warm compliment to this degraded establishment. Lackluster memories of eastern Europe caffiterias came vividly back during the time spent here. Although our waiter was proficient in English her ability to recommend typical traditional cakes was absent. She vigorously suggested we ask someone at the counter about available cakes. We had the Sacher torte and the chestnut puree. The cake was drier than a toast and the puree was mediocre. The hot chocolate that was supposed to be a house specialty appeared watery and diluted. A last inquiry regarding the whereabouts of the lavatories was met with a blunt and impertinent 'unavailable'. It appears there is nothing more than a colorful showcase that this establishment has to offer.

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