Mariä Heimsuchung -

AusztriaMariä Heimsuchung


nincs információ

🕗 Nyitva tartás

6, Haselstauderstraße, 6850, Dornbirn, Dornbirn, AT Ausztria
érintkezés telefon: +43 5572 23103
nagyobb térkép és irányok
Latitude: 47.4300888, Longitude: 9.7558282

hozzászólások 2

  • en

    Rabei Alasmar


    We always have to thank and appreciate the assistance they have given us and hand in helping us when we need those who stand on our side, and we should always Nbouh them joy for their presence and appreciation for their support. Some of which may help to express their gratitude and thank I thank the Church of every heart

  • en

    Rabie Alsamr


    You love the people dearest to you on the life of my mother's anti Spirit you the most expensive of my eyes I said to her: O spring love your name imprinted in my heart fills my age dreams Asagana like water fresh heart and what he called the mother what I cleanse, what Ocefah what honored, blessed be the Lord of Orahmh what else I I hear the voice of the star sing in yesterday's On the day behind a small claimed sing a song in love with your mother happy my mom when she saw me Reap Zahra sweet color and Onsagh, and present it in her hands the memory of me lived and blessed, and long as you are the joy of my days have you your heart of compassion Mamour mercy security you create love between my ribs grow up O fountain of love purer O may watered-lived and gave me my life until God bless flowers

legközelebbi Templom

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