Museum of Applied Arts i Wien

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ØstrigMuseum of Applied Arts



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5, Stubenring, 1010, Wien, AT Austria
kontakter telefon: +43 1 711360
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Latitude: 48.2075967, Longitude: 16.3816033

kommentar 5

  • Lynn Stiteler

    Lynn Stiteler


    Just loved this venue and all the exhibitions and displays-the gift shop is trendy design

  • Jonathan Maissel

    Jonathan Maissel


    Overall, we found the MAK a little disappointing. "KLIMT’S MAGIC GARDEN" virtual reality experience was excellent (but only 5 mins), and the “Vienna 1900” section of the MAK Permanent Collection including the Klimt sketch is also pretty impressive. The MAK design lab has very few interesting pieces (e.g. the ad hoc Kitchen), but in general I found the exhibits pretty lame and dated. It was a pain to look in booklets to see info about each exhibit. The Cooper Hewitt Design Museum in NYC is smaller but always seems to dazzle. The shop is nice - although expensive, the lockers are free, but I would not recommend the MAK if short of time in Vienna.

  • en

    Lucy Morgan


    Large museum with rooms encircling a spacious, airy atrium with comfortable sofas. Fashion, furniture and industrial design exhibits offer a wide-ranging selection of beautiful objects to admire in the permanent collections. Temporary exhibitions add variety and interest. The museum shop is large and well-stocked with books and gifts.

  • Imre Péli

    Imre Péli


    It's a must in Vienna, although, sometimes the exhibition looked a bit unorganized, but it can be because of the insanely huge amount of products and exhibits, and to be honest it is so throughout that it is a hard task to organize them. It was very useful entertaining, especially for a designer.

  • en

    Isabella Beham


    Absolutely amazing collection and brilliantly curated. Be sure to make a reservation online to use the virtual reality headset. Great cafe.

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