Parkplatz Pfänder Moosegg i Lochau

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ØstrigParkplatz Pfänder Moosegg


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Pfänder, 6911, Lochau, Bregenz, AT Austria
kontakter telefon: +43
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Latitude: 47.5124073, Longitude: 9.7843337

kommentar 5

  • Barbu Bogdan

    Barbu Bogdan


    This place is like haven. Really beautiful , fresh air, full with nice people and yeah really beautiful.

  • Ismail Bablu

    Ismail Bablu


    Good place

  • Juha Berglund

    Juha Berglund


    The parking place is a bit expensive given that it is in the "middle of nowhere", otherwise no complaints.

  • Sergey Anikin

    Sergey Anikin


    Leave your car here to take a short climb to the peak of Pfaender. Getting to Pfaender by car is a thrilling experience - you have to watch crazy cyclists going down without brakes at incredible speed, and you mustn't kill one :) But the views on the way are worth it. You should pay a parking ticket, the ticket machine is at the entrance on the left - minimal stay is 1 hour and it costs 2 euros. Put the ticket in a car under the windshield. 1 hour is quite enough to enjoy most spectacular views from the mountain, unless you are going to have lunch there.

  • en

    Jens Sophie


    Sep 28, 2013 The Pfänder is a mountain in western Austria close to Lake Constance (Bodensee). The town of Bregenz lies at the foot of the mountain on the shores of the lake. With its views over the lake and the surrounding mountain peaks, the Pfänder is one of the most famous lookout points of the region.

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