Pointers Vienna Sportsbar -

AusztriaPointers Vienna Sportsbar



🕗 Nyitva tartás

5, Resselgasse, 1040, Wien, AT Austria
érintkezés telefon: +43 1 5056939
weboldal: www.pointers.at
nagyobb térkép és irányok
Latitude: 48.198878, Longitude: 16.36868

hozzászólások 5

  • Aneta Pawlik

    Aneta Pawlik


    Excellent burgers! This is a cool student bar (it's next to Vienna's Technical University TU) and therefore very busy in the evenings. Their burgers are one of the best in Vienna - medium rare delicious beef patty! They have a happy hour from 6pm during which drinks are cheaper and the burgers (excluding special burgers) cost 8 euro. They come with a side of chips. We also ordered a potato bonanza basket - full basket of chips, wedges and crisscross chips for 4.90 (only for very hungry people or two people). You can also get a lot of different types of beers, including Guinness from tap or Magnets. When you go in you have to go through the smokers room unfortunately. There is a big non-smoking room too.

  • en

    Dilyana Uzunova


    Nice and cheap Bar. Good beer, great (bar) food. The atmosphere is really chill. The staff are really nice and friendly. The location is very central. Would recommend!

  • Expect The Unexpected

    Expect The Unexpected


    Ziemlich verraucht und die KellnerInnen wirken meist uninteressiert, dafür haben sie jedoch eine tolle Bier- und sogar Burger-Happy Hour. :D

  • Dinyar Rabady

    Dinyar Rabady


    Nice bar close to the Technical University. Unfortunately you have to pass through the smoking area to get to the non-smoker's area, but otherwise it's quite nice..

  • Philem on

    Philem on


    Die Bedienung ist sehr langsam gewesen. Nochdazu hat sie die Bestellung zweimal!! vergessen. Nach über einer Stunde hatten noch immer nicht alle aus der Gruppe was zum Essen. Mehr als ein "tut uns leid" war dann auch nicht mehr dabei...

legközelebbi Bár

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