Restaurant Chamäleon -

AusztriaRestaurant Chamäleon



🕗 Nyitva tartás

3, Blutgasse, 1010, Wien, AT Austria
érintkezés telefon: +43 676 4329807
nagyobb térkép és irányok
Latitude: 48.2077472, Longitude: 16.3744108

hozzászólások 5

  • sean lacroix

    sean lacroix


    Fantastic. Fondue is authentic and delicious and the hosts are friendly and welcoming. Outdoor seating is peaceful even though it is so central to the main tourist area. This place is a winner.

  • Sofia Qvarfort

    Sofia Qvarfort


    Had the raclette and the alcohol -free fondue with applejuice, which were both excellent! Great service too!

  • Lukas Baumgartner

    Lukas Baumgartner


    This has to be one of the most charming places to eat in Vienna. It's a small restaurant (something like 8 tables) hidden inbetween to streets on a tiny connecting street so you might oversee it but you shouldn't make this mistake. A large part of the menu consists of dishes with some sort and form of suisse cheese. The main attraction is definitely the suisse fondue which you should try if you ever visit here.

  • Stefanie Ager

    Stefanie Ager


    A great little place with cozy atmosphere. We had fondue and the cheese was absolutely delicious. The service was perfect. All in all a great evening to spend some time.

  • Nigel Pink

    Nigel Pink


    The food is fine and largely made up of Swiss cheese fondue. The fondue is served with a bowl of bread and no other options as far as I could tell. The problem is that the staff didn't seem to care. The was one waitress who took over 30 minutes to arrive and then once we ordered pulled a lump of cheese out of a freezer which wasn't exactly what we had expected. For the price it was fine if you have time to soar twiddling your thumbs waiting for service, but why this place has such high marks amazes me. Go somewhere else.

legközelebbi Étterem

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