Ruby Lissi Hotel & Bar -

AusztriaRuby Lissi Hotel & Bar



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Hétfőnyitott 24 óra
Keddnyitott 24 óra
Szerdanyitott 24 óra
Csütörtöknyitott 24 óra
Pénteknyitott 24 óra
Szombatnyitott 24 óra
Vasárnapnyitott 24 óra
19, Fleischmarkt, 1010, Wien, AT Ausztria
érintkezés telefon: +43 1 20555180
nagyobb térkép és irányok
Latitude: 48.2102659, Longitude: 16.3784865

hozzászólások 5

  • ellis whitehurst

    ellis whitehurst


    Amazing stay at Ruby Lissi Vienna. Room upgrade on arrival. Stunning location for all of the sites. 10-15 minute walk to Stephansplatz. Great selection of breakfast food- even Vegan “meat” for myself. 6:30-10:30 for breakfast which was great for planning the day. Lovely complimentary drink to have whenever you like when you stay. Very helpful staff. Slight problem with the heating which was fully revolved within the same night. Quirky, modern features including a smart phone and tablet in each room. Will definitely be staying with Ruby Lissi again soon!

  • en

    Agata Orych


    This hotel blew me away! I travel to Vienna every few weeks for business and have stayed at a few dozen different hotels in central Vienna and this one is unlike any other hotel. The staff was lovely, the room was clean and spacious with really cool and modern design, the gadgets in the room were very useful and fun (tablet, mobile phone and Marshall speaker...), the toiletries were very high quality and smell A M A Z I N G (so good I had three showers during my one-night stay.....just for the smell! And ended up buying a set for home!), the bed is the perfect size and firmness, the pillows are firm but soft (and two different sizes), breakfast was delicious - nice selection of cereals, bread, meats, veggies and cheese, delicious teas and fresh juices, and last but not least the location - with my business meetings being held in exactly the same building, I could have chosen a better location! I will surely stay in this hotel, most probably with a few of my colleagues as I simply cannot stop bragging on about how good this hotel is! A real hidden gem of Vienna!

  • Arielle Mason

    Arielle Mason


    Would recommend this hotel to everyone! It was our favorite hotel by far on the trip between Rome, Venice and Vienna. From the Awesome staff, to the wonderful breakfast selection this hotel was a dream. The bed was literally the softest thing ever! Would reccomend based on location, friendly staff, and the delightful smelling body wash and bath products. We’ll certainly keep Ruby in mind if we visit other locations where the hotel is located and when we come back to Vienna next!

  • Sonia Pérez | Rubi

    Sonia Pérez | Rubi


    The stay was short, but very comfortable. The room I got was a bit small, but had everything I needed and made with nice design. Breakfast was very good. Location is great, and I could even park my car for free just 1' away from the hotel, near Schwedenplatz. Will repeat if I come back to Vienna, and definitely recommend it to others!

  • en

    Danielle Karsten


    This hotel was fabulous -- the staff were incredibly friendly and accommodating. The rooms and common areas were very clean and well decorated with fun boutique hotel touches like the guitars and amps. The location was top notch with easy access to the subway/metro as well as trolley. It was also so easy to walk to points of interest like the St. Stephen's cathedral. Would definitely stay here again.

legközelebbi Bár

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