Texas Steak House - Neuübernahme Das Löwenzahn Speiselokal -

AusztriaTexas Steak House - Neuübernahme Das Löwenzahn Speiselokal



🕗 Nyitva tartás

Hütteldorfer Straße, 1150, Wien, AT Austria
érintkezés telefon: +43 1 9858122
weboldal: www.dasloewenzahn.com
nagyobb térkép és irányok
Latitude: 48.200357, Longitude: 16.33156

hozzászólások 5

  • sue schwarz

    sue schwarz


    we hoped that there would be some fresh wind in our neighbourhood as the homepage of "das löwenzahn" was promising (frisch - fröhlich -fair), so we went there on their first day after the opening. as far as i could tell, they kept the interior of the former steakhouse (looks a bit too old fashioned for my taste) as well as the waitress (she is very friendly). the food was okay (the schnitzel and the spinach dumplings were actually very good, but one of the chicken skewers was half raw). there were two things that i did not like at all and which cost them the third star in my reference: * a glass of water from the tap costs 1.20 euro which i personally find impossible (and not at all fair when you consume several dishes and loads of other drinks) * when the cook (and seemingly the owner) came out to greet the guests, we told him that we didn't appreciate the prize of the tap water and we didn't like that there was no apology about the half raw chicken meat, but he did not seem to care much. seems as if they have enough guests so they do not need new ones ...

  • de

    Babsi Stöger


    Essen extrem lieblos angerichtet. Bio Qualität (mit der geworben wird) sieht auch anders aus. Das Essen war sehr geschmacklos. Es war wirklich eines der schlechtesten Schnitzel, das ich je gegessen habe. Petersilierdäpfel wurden auf einem extra kleinen Teller gebracht (sah aus als hätte Es wer anderer übrig gelassen) waren zerkocht und haben ebenfalls nach NICHTS geschmeckt. Wenn ich in eine Möbelhauskantine essen gehe, schmeckt es besser, ist billiger, schaut besser aus und hat wahrscheinlich die gleiche schlechte Qualität. 1 Stern gibt es für die nette Dame die uns bediente.

  • Marion Rotter

    Marion Rotter


    In die Jahre gekommenes Steakhaus. Essen nicht übel, hat aber so gar nichts mit Texas zu tun! Website veraltet und nicht mehr abrufbar.

  • Carmine Papa

    Carmine Papa


    Niente di eccezionale. Nessuno parlava italiano e l'inglese lasciava a desiderare. Il menù poco vario ma quello che abbiamo mangiato non era male. Ovviamente è fatto alla maniera tedesca. Ci fermiamo qualche altro giorno qui a Vienna ma non credo che torneremo. Personale gentile , cordiale e molto disponibile.

  • Tine K

    Tine K


    Gutes Fleisch (Steak). Preise angemessen. Netter Service. Ambiente 80er Jahre. Wir kommen wieder :)

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