The Levante Parliament -

AusztriaThe Levante Parliament


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🕗 Nyitva tartás

9, Auerspergstraße, 1080, Wien, AT Austria
érintkezés telefon: +43 1 228280
nagyobb térkép és irányok
Latitude: 48.2084268, Longitude: 16.3548649

hozzászólások 5

  • Lucy Carrancedo

    Lucy Carrancedo


    We experienced a horrible stay of three nights at The Levante Parliament. Upon our arrival, we had two rooms booked, which we specifically mentioned in our reservation for the rooms to be on the highest level possible. The rooms the hotel had for us was on the ground floor right next to the lobby. The first night was horrible, not able to sleep from all the loud noise. It seemed as if we were camping right in the lobby. Heard every door slamming, guests arriving. Then we were notified that the Air Conditioning was not working for the first night and it would not be fixed until the following day. The weather during our stay in Vienna was pretty hot around 80F. Additional from all the noise at night that did not let us sleep, it was stuffy and hot as well. The beds are extremely stiff and uncomfortable. The second night we asked to be changed to another floor, we were switched to the fourth floor. These rooms had insects in the bathroom at night. Really really gross. The beds were still as stiff and had a horrible other night. Worst experience staying at this hotel. The star rating on this hotel is a lie, it honestly is a two star hotel.

  • Goldi Kunal

    Goldi Kunal


    Very Nice clean and modern hotel with big rooms and nice bathroom. Good view and delicious breakfast

  • en

    Sasja Neumann


    Great location, friendly staff, small but modern room, breakfast, sauna and fitness included

  • Ameer Ghazal

    Ameer Ghazal


    The room was perfect and the staff were so kind and helpful , the only problem was the restaurant with its small breakfast buffet and not so much options in the dinner menu ! , the location is perfect too !!

  • Fabio Diglio

    Fabio Diglio


    Design hotel, perfectly located within "the Ring" (you will reach Wien's city centre in 10 minutes). However, if you don't like walking too much, public transportation stops are only 100m far. Good service and breakfast. Nice the lobby. Room is not so spacious but comfortable enough for a weekend.

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