Tourismus Information Innsbruck -

AusztriaTourismus Information Innsbruck



🕗 Nyitva tartás

3, Burggraben, 6020, Innsbruck, Innsbruck, AT Ausztria
érintkezés telefon: +43 512 598500
nagyobb térkép és irányok
Latitude: 47.267241, Longitude: 11.3940085

hozzászólások 5

  • Vishwajeet Srivastava

    Vishwajeet Srivastava


    Very Helpful staff with good knowledge of English.

  • it

    Renato Giubileo


    Buon servizio, il personale parla fluentemente inglese e una ragazza qualche parola in italiano comunque non sufficiente per poter approfondire il discorso. Certi momenti la fila è molto lunga anche perché ognuno ha delle domande da porre che il 90% delle volte sono ampiamente spiegate nelle brochure (testo in italiano). Si acquista Innsbruck card pagamento anche con carta di credito

  • Mahesh.Y. Pillai

    Mahesh.Y. Pillai


    Staffs are very friendly and gives the honest suggestions

  • en

    Trevor Bowyer


    Located in the city centre near to the main tourist area and river. Helpful service and advice. Innsbruck card can be purchased in the office and is good value for money as it allows free admission to most attractions and public transport.

  • en

    David Windlow


    Worst Tourist Office assistance I have ever experienced in 40 years. Person who served us suggested we should hire a car to visit Neuschwanstein Castle. After some cajoling and explaining that we did not wish to drive, the tourist officer handed us a brochure for a bus operator who offered such a tour, but said we had to ring the operator personally as the tourist office did not arrange tickets. When asked what else there was to do and see in Innsbruck the person shrugged and said "nothing". Our Hotel concierge efficiently arranged for our trip to the castle, and sold us hop on hop off bus tickets. Thanks for nothing Tourist Information Officer.

legközelebbi Utazási iroda

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