Vienna University of Technology i Wien

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ØstrigVienna University of Technology


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13, Karlsplatz, 1040, Wien, AT Austria
kontakter telefon: +43 1 588010
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Latitude: 48.1986546, Longitude: 16.3684626

kommentar 5

  • D.A.



    It specialises in engineering, technology and applied science; however, in my opinion it stands out due to the beautiful architecture of the building.

  • en

    Ivan Steinkopf


    Some parts look like straight out of Pripjat, especially the so called "Freihaus". During the semesters its often difficult to find free chairs and desks for studying. Also the toilets are not top of the notch, although the blue lighting has its charm. Overall the infrastructure is not optimal. Lectures and the library are quiet good, though.

  • en

    Romana Slovak


    don't lose your time in this university because Most university students are mentally ill

  • en

    Saeed Irani


    Very Bad university ! Bad experience ! racist professors and staff and very jealous students

  • Shafi Ullah

    Shafi Ullah


    I love TUWien. I got my PhD degree from here. I wish I had also studied my Master from this Uni. It's got a very old and historical building which completed its 200 years in 2015. Some of the walls are around a meter thick like the old stone walls in the villages of Khyber Pukhtoonkhwa, Pakistan. I love Professors Mang, Eberhardsteiner, Hellmich, Bernhard, Andreas and Stephan from Civil Engineering Department.

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