XXXLutz i Wien

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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9, Kelsenstraße, 1030, Wien, AT Austria
kontakter telefon: +43 50 111 1080
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Latitude: 48.1861514, Longitude: 16.394134

kommentar 5

  • en

    Diana Vienna


    I can’t believe how awful the customer service is at Lutz, my mother ordered furniture worth over 5000 euro and there are parts missing and delivered wrong. My mother Amirova Angela went yesterday to complain about that matter and the guy Patrick Niesser who ordered her furniture was extremely rude to her and didn’t want to help her at all. She felt that she was treated like a queen when she ordered the furniture ( I guess because of the commission) but when she returned for help for things that Lutz DID WRONG nobody wanted to help her and Mr. Patrick Niesser was extremely rude. My mother was so upset and she cried because she felt helpless. Do yourself a favor since Lutz is famous for delivering the wrong items or not helping you with missing items- Go somewhere else, save yourself the stress and the money! This is NOT a good company and the customer service is EXTREMLY BAD!!!! PS: Lutz promised my mother to deliver the furniture max. 8 weeks but it took them 12/13 weeks!!! Aktennummer: 08J4TR

  • Andreea C

    Andreea C


    Not as crowded as IKEA and certainly bigger. Good selection of furniture, including upscale brands along with cheaper choices. One star penalty for ill informed staff ( we were looking for a bookcase and didn't want to search through all the 5 floors) and for their policy to check your backpack when you want to leave.

  • Nelly Borgova

    Nelly Borgova


    Spacious showroom for good quality furniture, accessories and more. Nice designer brands. There is also a restaurant, where you can find good food. Very friendly personell.

  • en

    Ivan Lesic


    Very well supplied furniture store. Offers great selection of all types of furniture & accessorizes. It is located in good position, easily reachable via car. Very friendly and english speaking personell works there. Warm recommendations!

  • va wael

    va wael


    A huge store offering a lot of nice furniture. Unfortunately it's quite expensive without discounts. The staff is mostly friendly, just some seem to become a bit inpatient when you ask them about products another colleague already sold you before, but is not available anymore. Seems like friendliness ends with the commission.

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