Youth Hostel Innsbruck -

AusztriaYouth Hostel Innsbruck


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147, Reichenauer Straße, 6020, Innsbruck, Innsbruck, AT Austria
érintkezés telefon: +43 512 346179
nagyobb térkép és irányok
Latitude: 47.2742939, Longitude: 11.4272515

hozzászólások 5

  • en

    Sally Wainwright


    Nice hostel good breakfast had a single room but was ensuite. Very basic but comfortable bed and I would rather pay what I did than pay twice price when arriving late and leaving early. Good value for money half the price of hotels. Decor was a little dated but really didn't have time to take in. Had lift that was a plus with heavy suitcase! Staff were friendly

  • en

    david stuart


    You get wgat you pay for. If you are traveling on a budget this place is good. The shower drain needed cleaning so one had to take showers with the water barely on to keep the water from flooding the room. Free wifi was nice though that really is expected these days. The breakfast buffe is mostly bread with a variety of condiments, yogurt, coffee or juice, and some fresh fruits. Decent breakfast buffe for a budget accomodation. Bus line O stops just outside the hostel but does not stop at the central station. The Sillpark stop or the stop before is the closest if you are heading in the direction of the hostel from the station. Alternatively bus line R can be taken from the central station but this bus does not stop at the hostel so you will have to walk 5-10 min from the nearest stop to the hostel. It is a bit of a walk to the hostel if you dont take a bus. They only accept cash but there is a ln ATM machie by the main enterance so this really is not a problem. They are currently doing a lot of construction out front of the hostel so it gets quite noisy around 6-7 in the morning which might be a problem if you are a light sleeper and are used to sleeping late.

  • Philipp Adolf

    Philipp Adolf


    We stayed one night for a concert in Innsbruck Music Hall. It was fine for that purpose, however the beds are way too hard for me (the other's didn't mind though). The rooms with six beds are cramped. You've got three three bunk beds and a small wardrobe and just a tiny bit of space in between to walk. Showers and toilets are shared and you have to bring your own shampoo and towels. Bed clothes are provided, though. Wifi reception wasn't great in our room, but it was useable. Breakfast is include and can best be described as ok. Nothing fancy, but enough to keep you full.

  • en

    Mohit Sangavikar


    decent hostel, well connected with the buses. But if you want to walk from the city centre or the train station it is a long long walk. the dining area was clean and well lit. A decent breakfast spread was given. you can get wifi only in the lounge and not i your rooms. one thing that is disappointing is the lack of power outlets for your phones and gadgets. They had provided us with a small extension, and the only power socket was near the entrance of the room. the bathroom on the second floor does not have a lock, so that was scary. I checked on the first floor, fortunately they had the locks. Toilets could have been cleaner.

  • Matthew Anderson

    Matthew Anderson


    If you desire a room that resembles a prison cell then this is the ideal place for you. We experienced ; Cons. Rock hard beds Rock hard pillow No handwash or soap (basic hygiene item) No where to put clothes in the bathroom (no hook on the door). We had to put clothes on the floor. The sink was outside the w/c / bathroom and in the bedroom instead which was a bit, unusual No cooker in the self service kitchen and the cooking hobs didn't seem to work for us Pros The breakfast was very good consisting of cereals, cheese, ham, rolls, spreads, tea, coffee, juices and a nice atmosphere. The view was spectacular from our room window. Room was clean. Overall, would not recommend this hostel.

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