Ankerbrot AG i Wien

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ØstrigAnkerbrot AG



🕗 åbningstider

2, Schwedenplatz, 1010, Wien, AT Austria
kontakter telefon: +43 1 5320985
internet side:
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Latitude: 48.2111861, Longitude: 16.3781585

kommentar 5

  • fr

    Amelie Noma


    Bon prix accessible

  • de

    Katharina Groiß


    Tolle Mitarbeiter, sehr guter Kaffee, große Auswahl. Und gratis WLAN!!

  • en

    okba abas


    Unfriendly staff and they don't know their products. The sales woman was rude and even argued with me because I ordered a cappuccino with an extra shot of espresso, bit instead she made me a cappuccino and a double espresso, when I said I asked for one coffee just with the extra shot inside she said no no you didn't...good customer service would be to fix it not tell the customer they didn't say it and refuse to change the order...I don't even drink coffee the order was only for my wife and ended up with a double espresso extra... the other man on shift even complained to a lady he was too busy he has a lot of work when she ordered her coffee... Really unprofessional, won't go again!

  • en

    Klara Wurth


    Best sesame pretzel sticks ever!

  • en

    Jonny Zackrisson


    Very, very unclean toilets. Extremely disgusting place.

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