Kurkonditorei OBERLAA i Wien

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ØstrigKurkonditorei OBERLAA



🕗 åbningstider

1, Landstraßer Hauptstraße, 1030, Wien, AT Austria
kontakter telefon: +43 1 7152740
internet side: www.oberlaa-wien.at
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 48.2066578, Longitude: 16.383092

kommentar 5

  • Clarence Guo

    Clarence Guo


    The food was good, and not only that, it was displayed in a fancy manner. But the service could be better. I had to call out excuse me several times until the waiter finally came

  • Amira Soufi

    Amira Soufi


    I just can't have enough of the sweets in this place, everything tastes super nice and I highly recommend to anyone visiting Vienna. Prices are reasonable

  • Stevan Markovic

    Stevan Markovic


    Nice cakes and coffee...this is a famous chain of cake shops and there cakes are rather good. Prices are a bit higher but not especially expensive. Atmosphere is typicall Viennese style coffee house...people having coffee and cakes, talking, reading newspaper, etc. We had cakes and they were delicious! It was a bit crowded so we had to wait for our waiter a bit, but it was Sunday afternoon, so I guess it was a rush hour time. Try their cakes if you are nearby.

  • en

    Taylor Ruan


    We came here for breakfast on Saturday morning. Overall this is a nice cafe with quality bakery. However, it’s a bit pricy. In addition, when I stood up from my seat, tried to see what bakery they have at the counter, one of their staff raised her voice asked me to sit down and wait for the service... there might be some miscommunication here, but it (her loudness) doesn’t sound neither polite nor friendly.

  • en

    Sophie Mills


    Expensive but nice, lovely selection of sweet gifts

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