Salonplafond im MAK i Wien

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ØstrigSalonplafond im MAK



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5, Stubenring, 1010, Wien, AT Austria
kontakter telefon: +43 1 2260046
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Latitude: 48.2079093, Longitude: 16.381951

kommentar 5

  • Benoit Bernot

    Benoit Bernot


    Very nice place and very good cocktails mixed by friendly barman. The manager ignored us during the whole night while he promised a table earlier. A waitress particularly unfriendly and inefficient - we had to pick up our cutlery by ourself and waited more than 30mn for our dish. Luckily she got backed up by an other one more friendly who served us wine to apologize. Salmon undercooked and not very fresh. Goat cheese and tomato tartar pretty good. Nevertheless the waitress dared to ask for a tip and did not bother to say goodbye. Bad experience.

  • en

    Xixi Wu


    Great food! Service good. Big, so u can find a place easily. A bit cold in the winter. Wonderful garden in the summer!!!

  • en

    Addy Saw


    Great, artistic decor juxtaposed in a beautiful building with very high ceilings. This place has a metropolitan vibe going on. The waiters are friendly and absolutely not obnoxious (as they usually are in nicer places elsewhere). The food is also great and at a good value, especially if you compare this style of restaurants to other big cities such as London or New York. Recommended!

  • Gabriel Florian

    Gabriel Florian


    Great Place to relax after your visit at the MAK or for last call. The ambiance is truly great. The food is fine. The service is average to good.

  • Wong Francis

    Wong Francis


    I love the vibes and the decor of this place. I happened to discover this place as it was so near my hotel, and it was a public holiday where everything was close. I hadn't much interest in modern art museum, but it has an interesting gift shop, it was by going in there I discovered there was this nice restaurant. So I decided to try a lunch. The service was friendly and the food offering was great and tasty. It was a great cafe dining experience for me in Vienna.

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